Introducing the “Honda Innovation Award” for App Developers

March 21st, 2013 by

In an effort to continually innovate, Honda intends to incentivize development for new programs to be used exclusively in their automobiles. That’s why the Honda Silicon Valley Lab has teamed up with tech company Evernote (responsible for the platform that Honda uses for its automobiles) to start a new award for programs developed on their platform. The “Honda Innovation Award” will be bestowed upon those who create exceptional apps for Honda vehicles. Frankly, all of us here at Fisher Honda in Boulder are thrilled to see such brilliant individuals strive to improve the driving experience, and can’t wait to see what they come up with.

About the Devcup

The Evernote Devcup is a six-month program meant to challenge programmers into pushing the boundaries of what can be done in the world of smaller consumer programs. More than 2,000 participants will spend the next half of a year developing new apps for the Evernote platform, resulting in an estimated 200 apps that will be judged accordingly for awards.

Honda’s Contribution

Apps that are the most useful for Honda would obviously be those that are centered on driving — whether they’re for navigation or safety, the car is integral to the process. That’s why developers looking to create an app for the Honda platform will have access to the world’s most unique devkit. While video game programmers and consumer program creators usually have access to a PC with the same internal makeup as a retail unit, contenders for the “Honda Innovation Award” will have access to a full experimental vehicle courtesy of the Honda Silicon Valley Lab.

It’s not designed to be any one specific car, rather a combination of features that are integral to all Honda vehicles. This means that those looking to test out their program can do so in a sort-of real world scenario while behind the wheel. The apps need to enhance in-vehicle mobility so it helps for the creators to test while in a vehicle.

A Major Award

Developers whose creations qualify for the “Honda Innovation Award” will be decided sometime in the middle of August, and will then go on to compete in San Francisco against other category winners at the Evernote Conference Devcup Finals this September. This award will make sure that these gifted individuals will strive to create an app that will better improve how drivers will get around in their brand-new Hondas, and here at Fisher Honda we cannot wait to see what will become of it. Stay tuned this August when the winners are announced!

Posted in Honda News